Credit card rates can be very confusing, even for professionals who work in the payment industry. Every card has its own cost set by a card issuing bank. Some cards have a higher cost depending on what kind of rewards are linked to that card. Basically, businesses that accept cards with more rewards end up paying for cardholders’ rewards. Fortunately, there are a few ways to lower the cost of payment card acceptance.
We don’t promise to be the cheapest company out there, but we will be the best long-term partner. With our extensive experience in the payment industry, we offer to set up accounts correctly from the start.
We will monitor the rates and work with the payment processor of your choice to ensure your customer service issues are addressed and that your account is in good standing.
Look no further, reach out for a free consultation from top-tier payment professionals or send the merchant statement for analysis! We would be happy to work with you.
With payment expertise of over 10 years, Smart Payment Solutions is a pioneering force in innovative and reliable business solutions. Processing an impressive $200 billion annually and serving a vast customer base exceeding 200,000, Smart Payment Solutions seamlessly merges extensive experience with cutting-edge technology. Our offerings encompass comprehensive and secure solutions tailored for diverse sectors such as hospitality, retail, catering, and more, meeting the unique needs of each business area.